"Someone gave me a sample of Bliss … and to my surprise, no jitters! I had focus and energy that I didn’t have before. My second month on the Bliss Go Pack I saw the fat around my middle just melt away. I lost 60 pounds of fat total."
I weighed 210 lbs, my resting heart rate was in the 120’s, my body fat percentage was 42% and I was miserable. My doctor even said I’d probably have a stroke or heart attack before I turned 50. That scared me so I joined a gym.
I saw very little results for a year so I signed up with a trainer hoping for a miracle. I saw some small results but then one day someone gave me a sample of the Bliss. I was a bit skeptical, but I took them and was just a little scared that they might make me jittery. To my surprise, not at all. I was so pleased and could really tell even with the few samples that I had focus and energy that I didn’t have before. That really started the ball rolling for me.
I bought the Bliss and ThyroDrive and it just gave me the boost I needed to really get committed and focused on my health and things started to change. It started to bring my thyroid and hormones back into balance and I felt great all day. A few pounds gone and I was really on my way. After that I added the Opti-Core and really saw the fat around my middle start to melt away. I lost 60 pounds of fat and gained shape and muscle. My body fat is down to 24% and I even entered a fitness contest!
"I took the Bliss Go Pack and was just a little scared that they might make me jittery. To my surprise, not at all. I was so pleased and could really tell even with the few samples that I had focus and energy that I didn’t have before. That really started the ball rolling for me."